Monday, May 6

Sayoko Ozaki, Tsubasa and Random Gyaru Pic Spam

These are recent photos of Sayoko <3

She recently did an interview and shoot for Sly Lang at a train station. And yes she skates! Holymotheroffuck! As if she wasn't awesome enough already!

I love her because she seems so goofy and down to earth

Sayoko and Momoko <3 waaah!

Asami!!!!! I want to be like you! 

Beauty products she uses! 

Now for more Gyaru Pic Spam! (Haven't done this for a long time now hehehe)

The forever flawless Gyaru queen Tsubasa!

Random Gyaru Cuties

Her eye meiku! <3

I love this smoky brown metallic eye makeup plus the tanned skin!  <3

*Photos nabbed from their ameblo blogs, weheartit, instagram and twitter accounts.

Don't forget to join my giveaway! ;) 

That's all folks! xx