Sunday, July 24

My life in pictures

It's been awhile since I posted anything personal on this blog because nothing could be more interesting than reading about some bimbo blogger's daily activities right? :s Anyway if that intro didn't turn you away then I hope my low-res phone photos won't because this isn't going to be some pretentious lifestyle shiz because I'm me and idgaf.  My life is messy and completely mediocre.

I got braces last year and they were supposed to come off April this year but I needed to get my overbite fixed so I need to wear this thingie on my lower teeth to fix it and it's going to take 6 more months! (crossing fingers because dentist promised these self-ligating expensive braces were supposed to take a year or even less but it took longer so I'm not even going to take his word for it anymore) My teeth looks better now though but there's still some room for improvement. Hopefully they finally come off this year because I miss flossing properly and I'm too lazy to use my waterpik most of the time hahaha.

My true form :)))

If you follow me on Instagram (which you should tbh) One of the highlights of this year so far was a  quick getaway to this fancy-pants exclusive resort called Balesin. It is so exclusive and fancy that they won't let your ratchet-a** in unless you're a member or a guest of a member. I'm not even going to talk about how much membership costs because I know most of us cant afford it but lucky me I have cool friends so I got to visit this gorgeous tropical paradise on a weekend. (I'll try to do a separate post on this trip because these few photos don't do the whole place justice.

Sure would be nice to wake up to this view everyday.

I've been trying (again) to lose weight but failing miserably because I love food and I hate exercise. I tried doing the power walk at home routine for about 2 month or so and then I just got too lazy. I binge eat every time I feel stressed and this month has been quite tiring and stressful so hurrah for the new pounds I've gained! (the key is to stay positive)

Like seriously... how can you diet when you know your salary can buy you yummy nomnoms like the Bacon Steak at Poco Deli's!?!

Or delicious affordable sisig from Sisig Hooray!?!

J.CO donuts!

Pizza from Gino's Brick Oven Pizza Place!

Ramen from Mendokoru/Yushoken!!!

Ramen Nagi!!!

Shake Uni Don at Izakaya Kikufuji!?!



I have also recently acquired a new hobby which involves drinking a "reasonable" amount of Yellowtail Moscato while binge-watching shows way past my bedtime. 

Thanks for the reco Gretch! <3 

Hurrah for discovering new hobbies!

Oh and have you seen Stranger Things!?! YOU HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT! It's crazy good!!!

Btw I'm getting another kitty and his name might be Wagyu! #fingerscrossed

So there you go! 
Another episode of my Anti-PR-Zombie-blogger life. Check back again after a couple of months and I might actually post something interesting or cool! :)))

See ya later alligator! xx

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