Friday, June 13

Shut up and take my money!

Hallo everyone! I'm taking you on a virtual tour of cute stuff you can buy in Hong Kong. They have plenty of affordable kawaii, Gyaru or Neo Gal style items in Mongkok. If you have extra cash to spare then head on over to The One Mall in TST for Emoda, Murua and other Japanese brands. But for now let's begin with bargain shopping in Mongkok shall we? 

Ps. I wore no makeup that day so I will not grant you the honor of seeing my bare face on this post because I don't feel like it. Check my older no-makeup posts if you need to feel better about your looks lol!  > :p

I am so tempted to get a bob haircut with straight bangs or maybe I'll just buy a wig on ebay <3

Furry bags at Argyle Centre, Mongkok 

Some cutesy girly dresses and tops that goes well with Gyaru style makeup

 Deco nails! I miss the good old days of elaborate deco-everything in Gyaru fashion :s

That blue dress used to be so "me" before but now I'm starting to veer away for too cutesy girly things :s

HK is known for their designer replica bags, watches and basically anything trendy that can be replicated :p

If girly stuff aren't your thing they also have plenty of affordable street style clothes.

My head hurts from trying to understand these quotes :s

I guess these are meant to keep bored housewives from spending so much of their husband's money since shopping seems to be a national past time there :)))


Cute stockings! <3

Jrock and Japanese style clothes for less <3

Pretty floral heels perfect for Spring and Summer but pointy heels like these aren't really made for walking around so much :s 

These rings remind me of the rose in Disney's Beauty and the Beast (my parent's lovestory mwahahaha)

I chose the white one <3

I felt sorry for these Monster High doll heads that ended up at the end of a necklace chain. 

I used to be a huge Barbie doll addict and if I were to start collecting dolls again, I'd probably collect Monster High Dolls now because they look freaking awesome!

I'm thinking about a Unicorn design for my next tattoo. I used to be so obsessed with Unicorns during gradeschool, we even formed a "Unicorn Club" with me as Prez ofcourse :))) (I was really into clubs back then and I always had to be the President hahaha!) 

The 3CE boutique wasn't open yet when I went there but you can find 3CE makeup in different stalls in Argyle Centre in Mongkok. I swatched some products on my skin and tested their base/lip products but I wasn't really that wowed to be honest, there are better brands out there that give more value for your money. 

I guess Park Sora is just really pretty and they did a good job choosing very pretty models to promote their products. 

No photos allowed inside Sasa so I took these photos Ninja mode at a smaller branch bec it was easier :p


My favorite <3 Japanese brand lashes!!! (Dolly Wink I love you!!!)

I wish we had Canmake at every Watsons branch in the Philippines

I love Sasa! I could spend hours just browsing their skincare and makeup :))) I wish they had one here <3 We need more Japanese brands in one store here the Philippines! 

Me at the end of a tiring day (do you do this too? ) 

That's all for now! 

Have a fabulous day!!!  xx

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