Tuesday, January 24

Shibuya High St. shoot Part 1

 The whole Gyaru craze has invaded Manila!!! Yapo ever being the trendsetter has always been one step ahead... has moved on and forward with her own brand of style. Since our measly wallets won't allow us to go to Shibuya, we decided to bring Shibuya to Manila instead. LOL! We chose to showcase the different facets of Japanese street fashion in this shoot.

Photos were taken by Reggie Baltazar :) Same dude who took photos of my first Gyaru Photoshoot :)

 I wanted to "try"(try being the operative word) a more mature and edgy Mode Gyaru look. (ugh my hair ends are sooo fried already!)

 Yapo hands down has one of the best Japanese street style in the Philippines (IMO) Check out her blog here and here(Gyaru days)

 Ze duckface :)

A Samoyed!

 Got to meet awesome bloggers Chai(finally in person!) and Val(who is soo tall despite me wearing boots with heels)

Gyaru Barbie Akane(now a brunette) and Yapo

 Bitch face

I can't remember what I was talking about here but the expression on our faces is priceless.

 Flawless :)

 Yapo and her boyfriend Bryan

Me and my new boyfriend Beny (Say whaaaat!?!) LOL

That's all! Haters/Trolls Suck it!!!!