Tuesday, October 25

Style chameleon

I had an old blog in multiply before, it's mostly set to private now. I went through some of the photos posted there.

 Whatta trip down memory lane!!! it's amazing how much things change and how thankfully some stay the same.

You could say I underwent alot of style/beauty transformations... I think it's really impossible to stick to one style all the time. It gets old and boring! Change is always good...as long as it's for the better why not?

Sexy goth me hahahaha

Emo phase! Can you see my pimple? =p

Fat cheeks! (yep I tried smoking before-relatively short stint out of curiousity and boredom since I came from an all girls school lol)

Blair Waldorf wannabe

Slutty look =p

I look boyish here

 My college graduation. I had really sparse eyebrows before...this is all drawn-on hahaha! Thank God my eyebrows grew back now!

I was hipster before hipster was cool! 

Me with shams, grad pictorial. The reason she looks pretty crazy here is because she had her creative pic taken.

I was too lazy so I bought a "My graduation Barbie" to take my place in the creative shot.

Old pic of me and shams. She still had retainers on! hehehe!

Pics from my clubbing/partying days



I miss these guys!!! Waaaaah alot of my friends moved out of the country already! My sister too! :(

As you can see, my cheeks were really fat/full. People think I diet alot since I've grown thinner and lost the fatty cheeks but I actually eat the same amount- just less processed food and sweets. Instead of white rice and bread I eat brown/red rice and wheat/whole grain bread. I don't deprive myself of the good stuff I just don't indulge as much as I used to before as a matter of personal preference. Also, the cheek fat loss has something to do with growing older I guess.You lose the baby fat...in my case...I lost cheek fat. There was also a period when I went to the gym alot which contributed to it I think.

 Anyhoo....these pictures were arranged in no particular order since I'm too lazy for that :))

Which old look is your favorite?

I am super excited about my birthday on the 26th! I am finding it hard to sleep already! waaaah!!! Will post my reviews and beauty shit after bday/halloween festivities.

Stay pretty and sweet! xx