Monday, September 5

Otaku fest 2011, meeting Akane and photoshoot near misshap :)

(Pic of me canwhoring enroute to megamall)

Tiring but fun day! I finally got to meet gyaru barbie Akane this afternoon. So embarassed 'coz I was late! Shams followed soon after, Reggie was supposed to come and shoot her for my sis' "Isla" accessories business but something came up. As usual expect heavy camwhoring on this post! ;)

 Pictures do not do this girl justice! I was so proud to be walking beside such a striking gal! Note the light pink soda she is holding :)

Visit: Cookie-Bits.Net

To be honest I was really nervous and quite shy around Akane(I'm normally more talkative than that lol!) We touched base at coffeebean then headed for F21. Bought this really cute beige knit tights there and she got one in pink leopard print! sooo cute!!!) Shams met us outside the store and she was really surprised to find two blondes and thought Akane was a foreigner.

We then headed for Otaku fest-We browsed around the different stalls inside megatrade looking for japanese fashion mags but they didn't have the ones we wanted(I didn't get to take photos since it was packed, hot and the setup was pretty meh). I saw 3 Hatsune Mikus today! lol! We bought really cute bow clips for only 50 bucks! We were brainwashing Shams to get into gyaru hehehe!

I applied Sham's makeup at the atrium part of megamall, the 3 of us just squatted at the side since there were no seats left. I super loved the colorful yet natural makeup look I did on her but sadly the solo photos will have to follow. It was a good thing there were lots of guys with good cams around, They asked if they could take our picture so I told them to take Sham's photo first(Crisis averted! Problem solved! Yahoo!!!) I gave them my contact info so they could tag me when they upload the rest of the photos. Mission accomplished!




After that,  we just ate and hung out at Almon Marina. I got to try Cherry 7up! I loved it! It tasted just right and it was light pink in color <3 We just chatted about random stuff until eventually it was time for me to go. I really had a lot of fun. Thanks girls!!!


***Many thanks to Dale for some of the photos!

 I can't wait to meet the rest of you gals!

 Bye for now! xx