Sunday, March 17

Destination Unknown

What if I told you that another kind of life was possible? That it is possible to break away from your 9 to 5 and all it takes is the courage to take the risk?

A year ago I was coping after a breakup. I was broke, starting over and figuring out who I was again and where I wanted to go. Life was full of possibilities and I was excited and anxious knowing that every step and decision I make at that point will be crucial to the life and future I was building.

To be honest I was perfectly happy with my career. Working in the beauty industry and one of the top beauty companies in the Philippines had its perks. I was living every beauty junkie's dream and it was my dream come true for the longest time until it wasn't anymore.

Life has a funny way of showing you that there are better ways to live than just meeting deadliness, KPI's and the endless struggle of trying to reach one sales target after another. I remember crying and talking to my mom after one point feeling despondent because I felt like after everything me and my team did, it was never enough and it was starting to take its toll on my self-esteem and mental health.

All it takes is just one person to believe in you and show you another way of living and I am forever grateful that when the time came for me to take the risk, I was ready.

I only had one freelance client then but I figured it was enough for me to live on if I learned to live simply. One great gift about this experience is realizing you don't really need much to be happy. So I took the risk. I left the comforts of a steady paycheck and health insurance in search of a better way to live, to open up my life to new places, new friends and search for that one place I can finally call home.

So I guess this is my life right now, living on a suitcase- chasing one adventure after another. A far cry from the pallid couch potato I used to be, swimming with the fishes, diving into sunken wrecks and sailing after one beautiful sunset after another.

It's not always easy to be honest... I do miss the comforts of urban life sometimes and especially my friends but what's great about distance is that it doesn't really diminish the solid ties that bind you to the people you love. It only makes it stronger. You learn to cherish them more.

If you told me I'd be living this way a year ago I would never have believed you but here I am, sun-kissed and free, living proof that it is never too late to start again and go after the life you want.

Take care! xx

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