Tuesday, December 13

Office Xmas Party!!!

 This is actually the first company christmas party that I attended. I never attended any work events before. It was fun! The prepping part was the best! The 26th floor transformed into a makeshift beauty salon! Hahaha! The theme for the party was glam rock. I chose to represent 80's glamrock with my Gem inspired makeup and old torn shirt.

Beny working his hair magic on people(poor baby Beny! he was sooo tired by the end of the night)

Most photos were taken by Carizza, Rea and Paoie.

Fierce and fabulous co-workers! These guys are the bomb!!! :) 

All smiles and excited to eat!

 I didn't really get to take much photos since I left my cam at home and I was stuck with the sucky office cam. The flash wouldn't work! Ugh!

Tony Moly Girls Represent!!! <3

 Marketing peeps represent!!!

Too bad we had work the next day though...I would have definitely downed those tequila shots!

Don't forget to join my giveaway!

That's pretty much it!!! xx